
Every company of every size must have Business Processes in place. A business that is focussed on company value will have these procedures written out and tested in practice. No matter the department, there can never be any question as to how your workers fulfill the company’s agenda and goals. A durable, long-lasting house is built on a solid foundation, and your Processes are the bedrock of your business.

The 5 Core Business Processes

  • Logistics and Production – Whether you provide a product or service, you must deliver what the customer wants – when they want it.
  • Sales & Marketing – You must find and sell those who need your product or service.
  • Accounting and Finance – Both tracking and planning of enterprise resources are critical.
  • HR & Management – Today a chain of command, workflow definitions and adherence to the laws concerning  your workers directly connect to profitability and frictionless operations.
  • Customer Service – Once you’ve gotten them, you need to keep them!

These are the largest and most important of the basic ‘Building Blocks of Business’. Additional sub-categories of processes are built into these building blocks.

And How Does IT Fit?

IT is the infrastructure and highway that enables all other processes and workflows to happen. Network downtime and a slow response from your IT provider can grind your business to a halt. A comprehensive process for their IT can dramatically affect results in all other business areas.

Many CEOs and Managers fail to grasp how many of their processes or workflows are directly or indirectly affected by their IT Provider. Some examples:

  • Hiring – For each new hire, a new user is created, set up with a computer, email, permissions and access to devices (printers, scanners etc.).
  • Termination – All access must be removed for former employees an hardware repurposed. The hiring process in reverse.
  • New Hardware Acquisition – By what criteria determines when a workstation or server is reaching its ‘End of Life’? Does anyone know when this criteria is met, or does the device fail and cause a business outage?
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) – Every laptop or remote device, from Smart Phones to iPads to home connections have to be secured with the appropriate protocols. Are the home office networks of remote employees secure, or are there multiple vectors of attack open?
  • WiFi Management – WiFi must be available to both staff as well as guests. Each of these uses have much different requirements and security concerns. Are these being managed and watched?
  • Internet Activity – Forbidden sites need to be established, with protocols and permissions for Safe Browsing and Content Filtering. Is staff or customers going to walk by inappropriate computer screens, and embroil your business in a lawsuit?

These are just some areas for which a business owner or manager should expect their IT company to provide intelligent and experienced leadership. You have every right to demand that your IT provider take these responsibilities very seriously.

At Abuntech, we work with every client to establish these all-important business policies and processes. We are your ‘IT Department’ and your Technology Partner.

Ask for our free consultation